Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cell Phone Jammer

The arrival of cell phone has caused a revolution in our ways of communication and networking. While it brings convenience to everybody, some sort of discomfort also emerges along the way. Take the two following situations for example, situation 1: you need to have a private conversation with your business partner, it may occur that your rival is stealing your information via your cell phone when you forget to switch it off; situation 2: when you sit an examination that you’ve prepared for a long time, it is very likely that your edge is lost if your phone is not advanced enough, for all the examiners are accessible to sending and receiving messages. If so, perhaps you are desperate for something to block off the signals of the cell phones. That is why cell phone jammer comes into use.

Cell phone jammer is a newly developed electronic product for jamming the transmission or reception of signals. This instrument can provide a signal that emits the signal within the similar frequency range that cell phone utilizes and thus restricts the use of cell phones due to the intervention. The actual range of cell phone jammer is subject to its size and local environment. Generally speaking, the bigger the jammer is, the longer the range it covers. Similarly, a smaller one can cover only a few meters. The environment here refers to the hills or walls that can prevent the jamming signal.

Inside the cell phone jammer are an antenna, circuitry and a power supply. The antenna functions to send the signal. It can be inside the electrical cabinet. On stronger devices, the external antenna can cover longer range and be tuned for individual use. The main electronic components of a jammer are voltage-controlled oscillator and tuning circuit. The former helps to generate the radio signal interrupting the cell phone signal; the latter controls the frequency at which the jammer gives its signal by sending a particular voltage to the oscillator. Most of the cell phone jammers are battery operated. It is essential that the cell phone jammer be charged in time. Undercharged cell phone jammer covers only a limited range, far shorter than its normal state.

Cell phone jammers are often installed where silence is desirable. Offices and companies are the main purchasers of the product. When a meeting is held, a single phone ring will definitely spoil the temperament of the busy and intense environment. Hence when the cell phone jammer is available, no disturbance will be created by the cell phone. Of course, the cell phone jammer system is also welcomed by schools. When cheating in examination are becoming regular, the leakage of questions and answers via cell phone can be avoided through such an equipment.

Perhaps you will be wondering that the vast use of cell phone jammer makes your life dangerous. Though illegal in most countries, you cannot deny the use of it in most occasions. Perhaps, you can only walk away from your original standing point when you are on the phone. A few steps can help you out of the blocking signal range of the cell phone jammer.

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