Monday, July 11, 2011

Block the cell phone signal to ensure the rest of students

Many middle school students get accustomed to send messages or surf the internet before go to bed. Some of them even send messages till one o'clock. The next day when they go to clas, they will sleep at the desk. In order to avoid the chating on mobile phone after lights out at night and ensure the good rest, the special devices- cell phone jammer can be installed in the dormitory building. The mobile signal will be shielded after 23:00 everyday. The school can install the fixed phone on each floor of the dormitory building. If the parents need to contact with the students for emergency, they can build the connection conveniently.

The electromagnetic wave is everywhere around us. The TV broadcasting, mobile phone and walkie-talkie will generate the radiation which is difficult to avoid. The electromagnetic radiation influence on people has not been confirmed. But the lower the better to our body. Regardless of the irresistable TV signal in the air, we can start from the mobile phone using.

When you dial the number, you should put it near the earphone after the connection. It's said that when you make a call, the radiation power is strong. So you should get the phone close to your ear after you get through the phone.

When you go to bed, don't put the mobile phone close to body. In theory, people will suffer less for longer distance. As you don't need the mobile phone when you sleep, you can put it away from you. It's better to turn off it and it's power-saving. But I don't think it's unnecessary to consider putting it pocket of the jacket or the trousers. I think it's nothing special. And we don't need to worry too much abou it.

You can also use the earphone. The earphone distances the head and the antenna and lowers the radiation. If you make a call for a long time, the earphone will ease your muscular fatigue.

Close the message report. The message report looks very convenient. But actually each message report is equal to a message. In order to decrease the radiation generated by the communication, you can close it.

Turn off your mobile phone in the poor signal area. The transmitting power of mobile phone will be automatically increased. And the mobile phone will keep searching the network frequently. If it's unnecessary, you are suggested to turn off the mobile.

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